Quality of Public Services, Satisfaction of SKCK applicantsQuality of Public Services, Satisfaction of SKCK applicantsAbstract
This research aims to determine the influence of public services on the satisfaction of SKCK applicants at the North Tapanuli Police. In this study, data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to research objects and filled in directly by 99 respondents. In this research, it was found that the relationship between Public Service Quality (X) and the applicant satisfaction variable (Y) has a positive relationship with a correlation value of 0.216, which means that every increase in the Public Service Quality variable (X) will increase applicant satisfaction (Y). Vice versa, if the quality of public services (X) decreases, the applicant satisfaction variable (Y) decreases. This relationship is interpreted in the Weak category. The results of the regression test produce Y = 22.045 + 0.382 (X), where the b value of 0.382 means that every change in the Independent variable (X), namely the Quality of Public Services, will be balanced by changes in the dependent variable (Y), namely Applicant Satisfaction. Because the b value is positive (0.382), every increase in Public Service Quality will be balanced by an increase in Applicant Satisfaction with the North Tapanuli Regency Resort Police. If variable X (Quality of Public Services) increases by 1 then variable Y (Applicant Satisfaction) will increase by 0.382. The quality of public services influences the satisfaction of SKCK applicants with the North Tapanuli District Police, this is shown by the coefficient of determination of 0.047 or 4.7%, which means that the independent variable, namely the quality of public services, is able to explain the dependent variable, namely applicant satisfaction, which is 4.7%. On the other hand, 95.3% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this research. Based on the results obtained, namely t count (2.180)> t table (1.660), then H0 is accepted or in other words there is a significant influence between the variable Quality of Public Service on the variable Satisfaction of SKCK applicants at the North Tapanuli Regency Police.