Bank Products, Saving DecisionsAbstract
A product is something that can fulfill the needs and desires of a customer. Something that can be offered to the market to get attention to buy, to use, to consume so that it can fulfill customer wants and needs. The purpose of this study was, to determine how the influence of bank products on saving decisions at Bank Mandiri Siborongborong. Data analysis or processing techniques were carried out using the SPSS version 17.0 program, using Simple Correlation Analysis. In testing the research hypothesis, the data analysis technique used is the calculation of the correlation coefficient (r), which is to find out how much the correlation coefficient of the independent variable is, and to determine the level of relationship that exists between variables X and Y. The population of this study were saving customers of Bank Mandiri Siborongborong which amounted to 7,100 people, the determination of the number of samples was determined by the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10% and obtained a sample size of 99 people. The data obtained from the correlation questionnaire between Bank Products and Saving Decisions is positive at 0.529. This positive relationship explains that the relationship between the Bank Product variable (X) and the Saving Decision variable (Y) is linear, which means that any increase in the Bank Product variable (X) will increase the Saving Decision variable (Y). By looking at Table 3.1. Guidelines for the Interpretation of the Correlation Coefficient, the correlation coefficient of 0.529 is in the medium category. Obtained a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.280. This means that the independent variable, namely Bank Products, is able to explain the dependent variable, namely the Saving Decision, by 0.280 or 28.0%. The regression obtained is Y = 16,737 + 0.463 (X), it can be concluded that the b value of 0.463 means that any change in variable X, namely Bank Products, will be offset by changes in variable Y, namely Saving Decisions. Because the value of b is positive (0.463), then any addition of Bank Products will be offset by the addition of Saving Decisions at Bank Mandiri Siborongborong. If variable X (Bank Products) increases by 1, variable Y (Saving Decisions) will increase by 0.463. In accordance with the results obtained, namely tcount (6.143) > ttable (1.66071), the hypothesis is accepted or in other words there is a positive and significant influence between Bank Products on Saving Decisions at Bank Mandiri Siborongborong.