Product Diversity, Purchasing DecisionsAbstract
This research aims to determine the effect of product diversity and price on consumer purchasing decisions so as to increase customer satisfaction. This research uses descriptive and verification methods. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews with UD shop owners. Clinton Balige Shoe Shop and distributed questionnaires and conducted observations on 98 people using accidental sampling techniques from various ages and occupations with the criteria of having purchased more than one type of product and having purchased more than twice. Data processing was carried out using the SPSS version 25.0 program. The data analysis methods used are validity and reliability tests, simple correlation analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, simple linear regression analysis, and correlation coefficient significance test. The research results show that product diversity has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Where, the correlation between product diversity and purchasing decisions is 0.775 in the strong category. The resulting R Square value for the influence of product diversity on purchasing decisions is 0.570 (57%) and the remaining 0.430 (43%) is influenced by other factors such as price, quality and product materials. The simple regression test results obtained were Y = 11.165 + 0.665 The Partial or Individual significant test produces tcount>ttable (11.282 > 1.984) with the resulting hypothesis criteria rejecting H0 and accepting H1, which means that the product diversity variable has a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision variable, so the hypothesis is accepted. Thus, the research hypothesis can be accepted because it is proven that product diversity can influence consumer purchasing decisions.”