Village Fund Allocation, Community WelfareAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyze how the influence of the Village Fund Allocation on the Welfare of the Sibuntuon Partur Village Community in Lintong Nihuta District, while the sample in this study were 80 Heads of Families in Sibuntuon Partur Village using sampling techniques using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10%. The data research design used is quantitative research. And data collection in the form of questionnaires, interviews and observations. As for data processing analysis for validity and reliability tests using Alpha Cronbach using SPSS 25.0 computer assistance. The data collection tools used are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Calculating the closeness of the relationship between variables using a simple correlation coefficient, the results show that the Village Fund Allocation (X) on Community Welfare (Y) of 0.512 is in the strong enough category. So there is a fairly strong relationship between the Village Fund Allocation (X) and Community Welfare (Y) Sibuntuon Partur Village, Lintong Nihuta District. This shows that the effect of the Village Fund Allocation on Community Welfare in Sibuntuon Partur Village, Lintong Nihuta District is 26.3 and the remaining 73.7 is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study. The simple linear regression equation is Y = 22.056 + 0.499 (X) it can be concluded that the b value of 0.499 means that any change in variable X, namely the Village Fund Allocation, will be offset by changes in variable Y, namely Community Welfare. Because the value of b is positive (0.499), any increase in the Village Fund Allocation will be offset by the addition of Sibuntuon Partur Village Community Welfare, Lintong Nihuta District. The regression equation above can be explained that, if the Village Fund Allocation or (X) = 0 then the value of Community Welfare or (Y) is 22.056 the tcount value is 5.270. Then the value is compared with the t table with an error rate of 5% df = n-2 =78. The t table value is 1.990. In accordance with the hypothesis testing requirements that tcount (5.270) > ttable (1.990) it can be concluded that the Village Fund Allocation (X) has a positive and significant influence on Community Welfare (Y) in Sibuntuon Partur Village, Lintong Nihuta District.