Leadership Style, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
The Imfluence of leadership Style on Teacher Performance at RK Santa Maria Pakkat Pakkat Private High School Organizations are currently faced with complex problems both internally and as a result of external influences. To help the organization run smoothly, it is necessary to have an organizational unit that specifically manages human resources. Human resources consist of leaders and employees. To create a good employee work attitude, various methods are needed that can be done by a leader of a government organization, namely by using the right leadership style. This study aims to determineHow does Leadership Style influence Teacher Performance at RK Santa Maria Pakkat Private High School.The data analysis method used is the simple correlation analysis method, simple linear regression analysis and t test. The sample in this research is teachersAt RK Santa Maria Pakkat Private High School. A total of 18 people. The relationship between Leadership Style (X) and Teacher Performance (Y) is 0.930. Based on table 3.2 of Correlation Coefficient Interpretation Guidelines, the coefficient found is 0.930, which is in the medium category. So there is a positive relationship in the medium category between Leadership Style and Teacher Performance at RK Santa Maria Pakkat Private High School. RSquare amounting to 0.865 or 86.5%. This shows that the influence of Leadership Style (X) on Teacher Performance (Y) at RK Santa Maria Pakkat Private High School is 86.5% and the remaining 13.5% is influenced by other factors not discussed in this research. The simple linear regression equation is as follows: Y = a + bX = 1.077 +0.803X which means as follows: 1.077 indicates that if X (Leadership Style) X=0 then it will have an influence on Teacher Performance (Y) of 1.077. And vice versa. The significance of the variable correlation is 10.129. Then this value is compared with the t table with an error level of 5% df = n-2 = 16. The t table value is 2.120. In accordance with the conditions for testing the hypothesis that t count (10.129) > t table (2.120) it can be concluded that Leadership Style (X) has a positive and significant influence on Teacher Performance (Y) at RK Santa Maria Pakkat Private High School, so the research hypothesis is accepted.