
  • Chyntia Yovanda Veronica Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli
  • Hotlin Siregar Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli
  • Joan Berlin Damanik Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli


Leadership Style, Employee Performance


An effective leadership style is needed by leaders to be able to improve the performance of all employees in achieving an organizational goal as a public service agency. Thus the leadership style can be a good guide in improving employee performance.This study aims to determine how the influence of leadership style on employee performance at BPTUHPT Siborongborong. The data analysis method used is a simple correlation analysis method, simple linear regression analysis and t test. The sample in this study were all 74 employees of BPTUHPT Siborongborong.The data obtained from the questionnaire distributed to a sample of 74 people obtained a correlation with the results that rcount (0.980) > rtable (0.229) concluded that there was a positive and significant relationship between Leadership Style (X) and Employee Performance (Y) at BPTUHPT Siborongborong. s Based on table 3.2 Guidelines for Interpretation of Correlation Coefficients , the coefficient found is 0.980 including the very strong category . So there is a moderate level relationship between Leadership Style (X) and Employee Performance (Y) at BPTUHPT Siborongborong. R Square is 0.960 or 96%. This shows that the influence of Leadership Style (X) with Employee Performance (Y) at BPTUHPT Siborongborong is 96% and the remaining 4% is influenced by other factors not discussed in this study. The regression equation is Y = 4= 0.307 +1.634 X The regression equation above can be explained that if Leadership Style or X = 0 then the value of Employee Performance or Y will increase by 0.307. The significance of the correlation variable is 41.707. Then the value is compared with ttable with an error rate of 5% df = n-2 = 72. The value of ttable is 2.652. In accordance with the requirements for testing the hypothesis that tcount (41.707) > ttable (2.652) it can be concluded that Leadership Style (X) has a positive and significant influence on Employee Performance (Y) At BPTUHPT Siborongborong, the research hypothesis is accepted..




How to Cite

Chyntia Yovanda Veronica, Hotlin Siregar, & Joan Berlin Damanik. (2023). PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA BPTUHPT SIBORONGBORONG. ECOJURNAL - Jurnal Ekonomi & Manajemen, 2(2), 235–240. Retrieved from

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