work loyalty, employee performance.Abstract
Work Loyalty according to Hasibuan (2005), suggests that loyalty or loyalty is one of the elements used in employee assessment which includes loyalty to his job, position and organization. In simple terms it is stated that the term performance comes from the word job performance or actual performance (work achievement or actual achievement achieved by someone), while what is meant by performance is the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him. given to him.
The types and sources of data used are primary data, namely data obtained from the employees of the Siborongborong Sub-district Office, North Tapanuli Regency and secondary data is data obtained by the author from data that has been published in the form of books or magazines.
Data obtained from questionnaires distributed to a sample of 25 people can be obtained that the value of the relationship or influence of work loyalty on employee performance through statistical testing is 0.544 categorized in the Medium level. The coefficient of determination of the data is 29.6% and the remaining 70.4% is influenced by other factors.
The results of the regression calculation Y = 13.004 + 0.342 X in the sense that if the value of work loyalty increases by 1, the increase in employee performance increases by 0.342. The results of testing the hypothesis are known through the t test, which is equal to the value of tcount> ttable, which is 3.110 > 2.67, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted, that is, there is a positive and significant influence between work loyalty and employee performance at the Siborongborong Sub-district Office, North Tapanuli Regency.