Direct Cash Assistance, Community WelfareAbstract
Direct Cash Assistance is a program issued by the government as a reaction to the community's economic difficulties in order to be able to help the poor. Even though Direct Cash Assistance does not directly have an impact on increasing the purchasing power of the poor, the program brings benefits to both people who are already married and to those who are still in school. Direct Cash Assistance has enormous benefits for the survival of the poor, especially in meeting their needs. . Direct cash assistance is given to poor people so they can meet their living needs. The recipients are people with a low level of welfare.The aim of this research is to find out how direct cash assistance affects the welfare of the people of Hutaginjang village, Muara sub-district, North Tapanuli district. The population in this study is the people who received direct cash assistance in 2022, namely 120 families with the criteria: loss of livelihood, having family members. who are prone to chronic or chronic illness or who are disabled, and who are elderly. by using the Arikunto formula and using the computer program SPSS version 22.00. The results of the research and discussions carried out show that the correlation coefficient of the Direct Cash Assistance variable (X) on community welfare (Y) in Hutaginjang village, Muara sub-district, North Tapanuli district is 0.929. As a guide to interpreting the correlation coefficient, the correlation coefficient found was 0.929, which is in the very strong category. The R Square is 0.243 or 24.3% and the remaining 75.5% is influenced by other factors that are not explained and discussed in this research, so it can be concluded that Direct Cash Assistance (X) has an influence on the welfare of the people of Hutaginjang village, Muara district. North Tapanuli Regency. The significance of the variable correlation is 2.073. Then this value is compared with Ttable with an error level of 5% df = n-2 = 22. The Ttable value is 2.073 in accordance with the hypothesis testing requirements that Tcount is (2.656) > Ttable is (2.073). It can be concluded that Direct Cash Assistance (X) has an influence which is positive and significant for community welfare (Y) in Hutaginjang village, Muara sub-district, North Tapanuli district, then the hypothesis is accepted.